
New Padma Drangnag Lingpa Treasure Lineage
Padma Drangnag Lingpa was a manifestation of Guru Rinpoche’s heart student, Nubchen Sangye Yeshe. Padma Dragngag Lingpa was born in 1922 and passed away to nirvana in 1959. He was a great Terton, Treasure master. His Great Mind Treasures are in three divisions: ‘La’ which are Guru Yoga meditations: ‘Dzog’ which are the Dzogchen tantras and ‘Thuk’ which are yidam sadhanas.
The new Padma Lingpa Treasure Lineage is a short, new direct lineage. Dharmakaya is Samantabhadra and Samantabhadri. Sambhogakaya is Manjushri. Nirmanakaya is Guru Rinpoche, Nubchen Sangye Yeshe, H.H. Padme Dragngag Lingpa, Lama Loma and H.E. Khenchen Lama Rinpoche. The Padling Terser includes the following Termas. First is the ‘La’ or Guru Yoga division with the main Guru Yogas of Rigpa Guru Yoga; Nubchen Sangye Yeshe Guru Yoga and King Gesar Guru Yoga. There are additional Guru Yogas for a total of 27 Guru Yogas.
The ‘Dzog’ division of the Dzogchen Tantras covers the entire Dzogpachenpo path including 30 Pointing Out Instructions, Dzogchen Kalachakra and Tsalong Trulkhor. The Sadhanas in the ‘Thuk’ division include: 13 Guru Rinpoche Wishfulfilling Gem sadhanas and Guru Rinpoche’s history which is like Padma Kathang as well as Chod. Other yidam practices include: 21 Taras, Yamentaka, Dorje Drollo, Kurukulla, the Heart of Yangdak Sadhana, Hyagriva, Zambhala, Ekajati, Rahula, Damchen, Dorje Lekspa and Dharmapala of King Gesar. There is also a Naga small puja; Naga and Mother Earth Offering Sadhanas; Tsok offerings; Eight different prayers or dedications as well as 32 sadhanas.
The Padling Terser also includes Dream Yoga and The Six Bardos. The Padling Terser covers the entire Nine Yanas from Sutra to Atiyoga. It includes Hinayana, Mahayana, Tantra, Mahamudra and Dzogchen. The New Padma Lingpa Treasure Lineage has the entire path for anyone to become fully enlightened in just one lifetime. This means that if a person is a beginner, they can have enlightenment in one lifetime if they do the meditation practices of the Padling Terser.
Padling Terser practitioners that is, Awam practitioners, will together take care of the Padling Terser. We will practice meditation in a true Dharma way.
Also, I will take care of all my students if you need this Padling Terser lineage. I will take care of all the Padling Terser path. I will do the Pointing Out with you and show you the path. Especially in our modern times now, the Padling Terser path is very simple. It is the Dzogchen path and yogi tradition. I will take care of the yogi tradition.
Most important is for everyone to do Guru Yoga and Dzogchen meditation and the 8 Sadhana teachings of the 8 Great Deities. Padling Terser never ever ends. It will grow quickly and benefit outer, inner and secret levels of all the worlds.
Inner Padling Terser. Khenchen Lama Rinpoche.